A print design project communicates a message, but that message will go unnoticed unless your marketing project has the visual impact to get a reader’s attention.
Contrast in design is a great way to create noticeable design. Contrast can be size, color, direction, format or the expected verses the unexpected. Look at what is around you and do something different. If every postcard you get in the mail is 8.5 x 5.5 then change the size. Do something that will catch your viewers attention.
Size contrast can involve graphics or type. The greater the difference, the more impact the design will have. For instance, making type size in your headline a little bigger than the body text will not have the same impact as having a very large headline and very small text. I remember seeing a full-page advertisement with a bright background color. The only other item on the page was a very small line of type in a lighter shade of the same color. Since I can still recall the ad, it obviously made an impression.
Using color to impact your design works best when it involves the unexpected or extreme. This does not mean you have to use hot pink and lime green in your design (although this would get attention). Unexpected use of one color in an otherwise black and white layout can draw the eye. Moving one step away from the expected with graphics or photography can also create reader interest. Try using a conceptual image or photo to highlight your main message verses the first thing to come to mind when thinking about your product or service. While working at a past company I asked out top sales manager why she always put her memos out on hot pink paper. Her answer to me was, if it gets buried under something on someone’s desk the pink will always be seen.
Another form of contrast is in the actual design. An unusual fold in a brochure or direct mail piece can add excitement. Use of varnishes on a piece will create contrast in texture and look. Paper choices based on your industry can provoke interest as well. For example, a packaging company could use plain brown cardboard for their brochure cover. Add interesting color usage and the brochure makes a very individual statement about that particular company.
Use of contrast in a design project is virtually unlimited. With the help of a professional designer you can create strong, creative and effective looks for any marketing materials.
If you are ready to make a change in your current marketing collateral then it’s time to get rolling. Please fill out our new client intake form and let’s get started!